The Lights Are On


AUGUST 17 – SEPT 15​

Albert Gray (b. 1983, Connecticut) is an artist living and working in Columbus, OH. After receiving a BFA from Montserrat College of Art (2008) he has shown work in the US and abroad including Able Baker Contemporary (Portland, ME), CASTLEDRONE (Boston, MA), SMARTOBJECTS Landers (Landers, CA), and Galerie Kleindienst (Leipzig, Germany).

I love the double take. Something vague, plain, or mundane is at once tranquil and uneasy—that’s what I’m into. If it doesn’t exist on that plane in the original moment, it likely ends up there as a painting. Head like a house, internal and external functions. I’m not going to pretend to be an alien but I am. Boredom does not exist. The shells and open spaces of the human world. The lights are on but it doesn’t matter if anyone is home because home is layered and evasive in the first place. The smell of chlorine, plywood over the windows; sweet something and sweet nothing. Phantom abundance in the dull periphery of every day. Desolation angles. Expression engines in traffic.